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Monday, May 21, 2012

EXPIRED - Maypole Springtime Event

Cafe World has released the Maypole Springtime Event, set with a timer a little over 12 days when I received it. Here's the breakdown of all the parts.

Two 15 Part Quests: 1 6X Mega Stove for finishing each quest (Regular buildables - Flower Display Table & Bird Cage)
Week 1 and Week 2: Construct 10 Stages of the Maypole (Week 1) to win rewards. The instructions aren't clear, but I think if you finish these two Weeks, you will earn the No Spoil Genie. Players who already have one will receive an extra 6X stove. There's some Cupcake Stage for Week 2.
Raffle Tickets: A chance to earn Cafe Cash.
Catering Missions: Just there if you want something else to do, has nothing to do with earning the No Spoil Genie.

Flower Display Table
Ask for 10 Linen Table Cloths [wall post]
Ask for 8 Beautiful Flower Vases
Ask for 10 Flower Descriptions [wall post]
Ask for 8 Flower Guides
Function: +1 Flower Mastery (with the Flower Garden)

Finish 15 part quests to earn a White Orchid 6X Mega Stove
Recipes: Rose Glazed Brie, Blue Corn Tortillas, Daisy Cupcakes, Lavender Cookies 

Gardening Time! (Goal #1)
Place Bird Cage Builder
Ask for 2 Red Orchid Guides [wall post]
Serve a random 6hr dish 40 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins
Bird Cage
Ask for 10 Straw [wall post]
Ask for 8 Old Newspapers
Ask for 10 Birdseed [wall post]
Ask for 8 Small Bowls
Function: +1 Dessert Mastery

Roses are Red... (Goal #2) 
Ask for 2 Red Orchid Seeds [wall post]
Ask for 3 Red Pots
Serve a random 12hr dish 50 times
Unlocks: Rose Glazed Brie recipe

Red Flower Pots (Goal #3)
Complete Stage 2 of the Maypole
Ask for 4 Red Flower Signs [wall post]
Serve Rose Glazed Brie 50 times
Reward: Mastery Mint

True Blue (Goal #4)
Spice 50 of your own stoves
Serve a random 3hr dish 60 times
Serve a random 18hr dish 40 times
Reward: 200 Cafe Points, 1,000 Cafe Coins

In Blue Pots! (Goal #5)
Ask for 6 Blue Orchid Seeds [wall post]
Serve a random 7hr dish 50 times
Serve a random 8hr dish 60 times
Unlocks: Blue Corn Tortillas recipe

With Blue Signs (Goal #6)
Ask for 6 Blue Nutrients [wall post]
Serve Blue Corn Tortillas 60 times
Ask for 6 Blue Flower Signs
Reward: Onehour Thyme

Sunny Yellow (Goal #7)
Ask for 7 Yellow Orchid Guides
Serve a random 6hr dish 70 times
Serve a random 1day dish 50 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

Need Nutrients! (Goal #8)
Complete Stage 5 of the Maypole
Serve a random 10hr dish 70 times
Serve a random 12hr dish 70 times
Unlocks: Daisy Cupcakes recipe

(Goal #9)
Ask for 8 Yellow Flower Signs [wall post]
Serve a random 14hr dish 80 times
Ask for 8 Yellow Recommendations
Reward: Twelvehour Thyme

Purple Bloom (Goal #10)
Ask for 8 Purple Orchid Guides [wall post]
Serve a random 2hr dish 90 times
Serve a random 14hr dish 60 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

More Pots.. (Goal #11)
Ask for 8 Purple Pots
Serve a random 6hr dish 80 times
Serve a random 18hr dish 80 times
Unlocks: Lavender Cookies recipe

More Purple! (Goal #12)
Ask for 9 Purple Nutrients [wall post]
Serve a random 8hr dish 80 times
Serve a random 1day dish 60 times
Reward: Six Hour Thyme

White Purity (Goal #13)
Ask for 10 White Orchid Guides
Serve a random 8hr dish 120 times
Serve a random 1day dish 60 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

Perfect Pots (Goal #14)
Ask for 13 White Pots
Serve a random 10hr dish 90 times
Serve Lavender Cookies 70 times - 1day
Reward: 200 Cafe Points, 600 Cafe Coins

Nearly Done! (Goal #15)
Complete Stage 10 of Spring Maypole
Serve a random 1day dish 120 times
Ask for 14 White Nutrients
Reward: Instant Thyme, 1 White Orchid 6X Stove

Spring Blooms Quest - 15 parts to unlock a Black Orchid 6X Mega Stove. Finish the previous week's goals to upgrade both stoves to Ultra.
Recipes: Fried Squash Blossoms, Scallops with Green Tea, Pink Macaroons, Roast Wild Teal

Time to Bloom (Goal #1)
Place Flower Display Table
Ask for 3 Orange Orchid Guides [wall post]
Serve a random 6hr dish 30 times

(Goal #2)
Ask for 6 Orange Orchid Seeds [wall post]
Serve a random 10hr dish 50 times
Ask for 5 Orange Pots
Unlocks: Fried Squash Blossoms recipe

(Goal #3)
Complete Stage 2 of Spring Cupcakes
Serve Fried Squash Blossoms 50 times - 12hr
Serve a random 10hr dish 60 times

(Goal #4)
Ask for 7 Green Orchid Guides [wall post]
Serve a random 18hr dish 60 times
Ask for 7 Green Orchid Seeds

(Goal #5)
Ask for 8 Green Pots
Serve a random 22hr dish 60 times
Serve a random 8hr dish 80 times
Unlocks: Scallops with Green Tea recipe

Signs & More (Goal #6)
Ask for 8 Green Nutrients [wall post]
Serve Scallops with Green Tea 60 times - 18hr
Serve a random 8hr dish 80 times

(Goal #7)
Complete Stage 5 of Spring Cupcakes
Spice 50 of your own stoves
Serve a random 8hr dish 80 times

Pink Petals! (Goal #8)
Ask for 9 Pink Pots [wall post]
Serve a random 1day dish 100 times
Ask for 9 Pink Nutrients
Unlocks: Pink Macaroons recipe

(Goal #9)
Ask for 9 Pink Flower Signs
Serve Pink Macaroons 90 times - 12hr
Serve a random 14hr dish 60 times

(Goal #10)
Ask for 10 Teal Orchid Guides
Serve a random 6hr dish 150 times
Serve a random 10hr dish 100 times

Seeds 'n Pots (Goal #11)
Ask for 11 Teal Orchid Seeds [wall post]
Serve a random 10hr dish 80 times
Serve a random 14hr dish 100 times
Unlocks: Roast Wild Teal recipe

(Goal #12)
Ask for 12 Teal Flower Signs
Serve Roast Wild Teal 60 times - 1day
Serve a random 8hr dish 120 times

The Rarest Flower (Goal #13)
Ask for 13 Black Orchid Guides [wall post]
Complete Bird Watching Catering - just the mission, not the campaign
Serve a random 22hr dish 80 times

(Goal #14)
Ask for 14 Black Pots
Serve a random 10hr dish 150 times
Serve a random 20hr dish 100 times

(Goal #15)
Complete Stage 10 of Spring Cupcakes
Serve Daisy Cupcakes 150 times - reward from Week 1 goals Part 8
Serve a random 1day dish 120 times

Spring Maypole - Complete 10 stages to get rewards

Stage 1
Ask for 1 Flower Garland, 1 Blue Ribbon, and 1 Pink Ribbon
Post for 1 Large Pole, 1 Purple Ribbon, and 1 Yellow Ribbon
Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes

Stage 2
Ask for 1 Flower Garland, 1 Blue Ribbon, and 1 Pink Ribbon
Post for 2 Large Poles, 2 Purple Ribbons, and 2 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes

Stage 3
Ask for 2 Flower Garlands, 2 Blue Ribbons, and 2 Pink Ribbons
Post for 2 Large Poles, 2 Purple Ribbons, and 2 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: Stuffed Cucumber Cups recipe

Stage 4
Ask for 2 Flower Garlands, 2 Blue Ribbons, and 2 Pink Ribbons
Post for 3 Large Poles, 3 Purple Ribbons, and 3 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: 2 Mastery Mints

Stage 5
Ask for 3 Flower Garlands, 3 Blue Ribbons, and 3 Pink Ribbons
Post for 3 Large Poles, 3 Purple Ribbons, and 3 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes

Stage 6
Ask for 4 Flower Garlands, 4 Blue Ribbons, and 4 Pink Ribbons
Post for 3 Large Poles, 3 Purple Ribbons, and 3 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: Corn Bread Cobb Salad recipe

Stage 7
Ask for 4 Flower Garlands, 4 Blue Ribbons, and 4 Pink Ribbons
Post for 4 Large Poles, 4 Purple Ribbons, and 4 Yellow Ribbons
Stage 7 Reward: 2 Instant Thymes

Stage 8
Ask for 5 Flower Garlands, 5 Blue Ribbons, and 5 Pink Ribbons
Post for 4 Large Poles, 4 Purple Ribbons, and 4 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: Maypole Cake recipe

Stage 9
Ask for 6 Flower Garlands, 6 Blue Ribbons, and 6 Pink Ribbons
Post for 5 Large Poles, 5 Purple Ribbons, and 5 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: Maypole

Stage 10
Ask for 7 Flower Garlands, 7 Blue Ribbons, and 7 Pink Ribbons
Post for 6 Large Poles, 6 Purple Ribbons, and 6 Yellow Ribbons
Reward: White Orchid 4X 50% Ultra Stove

Spring Cupcakes - Complete 10 stages to get rewards

Stage 1
Ask for 1 Cup of Sugar, 1 Carton of Cream, and 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon
Post for 1 Bottle of Chocolate, 1 Edible Flower, and 1 Ginger Bread
Reward: 2 Twelve Hour Thymes

Stage 2 Reward: 2 Twelve Hour Thymes
Stage 3 Reward: Monkey Bread recipe
Stage 4 Reward: 2 Mastery Mints
Stage 5 Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes
Stage 6 Reward: Miso Soup recipe
Stage 7 Reward: 2 Quest Buster Thymes
Stage 8 Reward: Roman Nut Tart recipe
Stage 9 Reward: Pigs in a Blanket recipe
Stage 10 Reward: Black Orchid 4X 50% Ultra Stove
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