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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Copper 6X 50% Ultra Stove - Memorial Day

**Buck has left for now. These goals have expired.**

Cafe World has brought back the 6X Ultra Stove goals.This is the same Copper 6X stove as before, with Buck tied to it as well as his annoying Stove Shop. If you didn't finish it the first time, now's your chance to advance a little further. There are 15 parts to this goal. The intro says it's special for Memorial Day. There is a timer of 4 days for this goal. If you have the maximum amount of stoves, the game is making you take out an existing stove in order to place the new one.

**NOTE: 6X Stoves show a single dish. Click the cookbook icon (not the stove) to view the servings. Click the 6X Stove to view the servings. It should show six times the amount of servings than the cookbook. Some players have gotten confused and think the stove is broken.**

Goal #5 - Complete Stage 4 of the Copper Stove Shop
Goal #14 - Complete Stage 10 of the Copper Stove Shop

Place Copper (Goal #1)
Place your Copper Stove!
Reward: 150 Cafe Points, 800 Cafe Coins

Copper Stove! (Goal #2)
Ask for 3 Copper Metal Plates [wall post]
Serve a random 4hr dish 40 times
Ask for 3 Copper Bolts
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

Copper Burner #1 (Goal #3)
Ask for 4 Copper Circuits [wall post]
Serve a random 10hr dish 50 times
Serve a random 12hr dish 50 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

Finish Copper #1 (Goal #4)
Ask for 8 Copper Displays
Serve a random 18hr dish 55 times
Serve a random 8hr dish 55 times
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 500 Cafe Coins

Copper Burner #2 (Goal #5)
Complete Stage 4 of the Copper Stove Shop
Serve a random 4hr dish 60 times
Ask for 6 Copper Wiring [wall post]

Finish Copper #2 (Goal #6)
Ask for 10 Copper Gas Pipes
Serve a random dish 65 times - will post time when I find out
Serve a random 18hr dish 65 times

**reserved for Goals 7-12**

Copper Burner #6 (Goal #13)
Ask for 15 Copper Motors
Serve a random 4hr dish 130 times
Serve a random dish 110 times - will post time when I find out

Finish Copper #6 (Goal #14)
Complete Stage 10 of the Stove Shop
Serve a random dish 140 times - will post time when I find out
Ask for 16 Copper Hard Drives

Ultra Copper! (Goal #15)
Ask for 18 Copper Switches [wall post]
Serve a random dish 160 times - will post time when I find out
Serve a random 14hr dish 160 times

Buck Bradshaw's Stove Shop - Complete 10 stages and get rewards

Stage 1
Ask for 1 Copper Oil Canister, 1 Copper Hammer, and 1 Copper Scrub Brush
Post for 1 Copper Multi-Tool, 1 Copper Nut and Bolt, and 1 Copper Stove Polish
Reward: 1 Brass Mega Stove

Stage 2 Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes
Stage 3 Reward: Brass Mega Stove Burner #2
Stage 4 Reward: Bill's Buffalo Wings recipe
Stage 5 Reward: 2 Six Hour Thymes
Stage 6 Reward: Brass Mega Stove Burner #3
Stage 7 Reward: Bok Choy Stew recipe
Stage 8 Reward: 2 Quest Buster Thymes
Stage 9 Reward: Brass Mega Stove Burner #4
Stage 10 Reward: Brass Mega Stove Upgrade to 4X 50%

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  1. again -they are tying up the mail with too many posts too long of dishes and an unrealistic timer--we need to be able to eliminate these quests from even showing on our cafe worl desktop!

  2. post by cindy hagerman
