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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Buck Bradshaw's Brightly Colored 4X 50% Ultra Stoves

Cafe World has released Buck Bradshaw's 4X 50% Ultra Stoves again, this time with 5 new stoves. They are very brightly colored [Sunset Orange, Turbo Teal, Mellow Yellow, Deep Purple, Passion Pink] and it's the same type of goal as when we first saw Buck. Place your stove, build it into a 4X Mega Stove, then upgrade it to a 4X Ultra Stove. When I opened my game, my timer was set at a little over 18 days.

NOTE: The goal will prompt you to "Place Stove" as you unlock each one. Going into your inventory and trying to place the stoves before you unlock them will not work. This doesn't mean your game is broken, it just means you haven't gotten to the goal that unlocks that particular stove yet.

This first set of goals that unlocks the five stoves is 10 parts. Each of the stoves has its own set of 9 part goals. This makes this entire set of goals 55 parts total.

Sunset Orange! (Goal #1)
Serve a random 2hr dish 60 times
Ask for 6 Metal Plates [wall post]
Ask for 6 Bolts
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Place Your Stove! (Goal #2)
Place Your Sunset Orange Mega Stove!
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Unlocking the Orange Burners - 9 parts

Turbo Teal! (Goal #3)
Serve a random 2hr dish 40 times
Ask for 7 Copper Wiring [wall post]
Ask for 7 Gas Pipes
Reward: 200 Cafe Points, 200 Cafe Coins

Place Teal! (Goal #4)
Place your Turbo Teal Mega Stove!
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Unlocking the Teal Burners - 9 parts

Mellow Yellow! (Goal #5)
Serve a random 6hr dish 40 times
Ask for 8 Heating Coils [wall post]
Ask for 8 Control Knobs
Reward: 400 Cafe Points, 400 Cafe Coins

Place Yellow! (Goal #6)
Place your Mellow Yellow Mega Stove!
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Unlocking the Yellow Burners - 9 parts

Deep Purple! (Goal #7)
Serve a random 8hr dish 30 times
Ask for 9 Burner Rings [wall post]
Ask for 9 Handles
Reward: 600 Cafe Points, 600 Cafe Coins

Place Purple (Goal #8)
Place your Deep Purple Mega Stove!
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Unlocking the Purple Burners - 9 parts

Passion Pink! (Goal #9)
Serve a random 1day dish 20 times
Ask for 10 Drip Pans [wall post]
Ask for 10 Thermostats
Reward: 1,000 Cafe Points, 1,000 Cafe Coins

Passion Pink! (Goal #10)
Place your Passion Pink Mega Stove!
Reward: 100 Cafe Points, 100 Cafe Coins

Unlocking the Pink Burners - 9 parts
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